I just have to tell you this story, for anyone who might be reading and doubts that there is a God. Let me just tell you how much this God cares for those who know and love Him.
My story in short version:
I have this friend. She moved away. We don't talk as often as I would like, or even see each other as often as I would like but we are still good friends because we both understand how busy life can get when working and raising young children. So when we don't talk or see each other- it's ok. We are not the high maintence kind of friend that NEEDS to hang with their friends on a weekly basis. We laugh about that fact and just enjoy each other's company when our busy schedules allow. Well for about the past 6 weeks she has been coming to my mind. When she does, I pray for her. The wow part of my story is WHEN she comes into my mind. Every time I iron my husbands clothes for work in the morning, she comes into my mind. At first I didn't really think anything of it, other than to pray. But it kept happening, every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday morning. I was convinced God was trying to tell me something. Lo and behold, I bump into this friend out of the blue. I tell her that God is having me pray for you while I iron my husbands work clothes. I ask her if this has any meaning for her why it is always when I iron my husband's clothes. She breaks down in tears and tells me her husband and she seperated in late September. We didn't get to talk but she knows the Lord and there are people standing in the gap praying for her and her family. I tell you this story because God knew she needed help and He sent that help. I didn't know that she had been going through this for the past 8 weeks, but God did. I didn't know I was going to see her, but God arranged it. I didn't know that my story and letting her know I was praying would touch her and let her know that God had not forsaken her and that he wanted her to know He loves her, but God did. My dear friends, please join me in prayer for this family. You do not know her , but God does!