Sunday morning we celebrated an ending of Parker's basketball season. The league held a pancake breakfast and award ceremony. My eyes filled up with tears as I listened to Parker's coach say great things about him. He started this year a very timid player and grew into an aggressive player who rocked at the 3 position and 4 position! He ended his season with 6 points, three fouls, and one appearance at the foul line. We are so proud of him on and off the court! Here he is just receiving his award.

Our 3rd and 4th grade division was big enough that our town was able to form two teams, The Green Team and The White Team. Here they are all together with all of the coaches.

The entire White team

All of the parents in our division pooled some money together and Eric and I presented the three coaches with a Celtics mug, a ten dollar gift card to Dunkin Donuts, some Hershey kisses, and we donated, in each of their names, to our Gym Floor Refinishing Project.

I had the privilege of being an assistant to Parker's coach. I kept the score book and helped keep the kids who were on the bench in line. I was not expecting any recognition and was touched that one of the parents thought of me and got me a gift.

Here we have the proud grandparents.

The man who organizes and runs this league is a great example to the children. He teaches them about character and being an encourager and playing as one. So I will leave you with a little poem that Parker received along with his trophy.
Watch your thoughts;
they become your words.
Watch your words;
they become your actions.
Watch your actions;
they become your habits.
Watch your habits;
they become your character.
Watch your character;
it becomes your destiny.