We stayed at Beech Hill Campground, which was a wonderfully secluded campground. One of the best we have been at in years. We could not see or hear a thing....in fact most days we slept till 9ish....which is unheard of if your a regular camper like us. We have put in our dues tenting it over the past ten years. We had had enough getting wet and spending our time drying everything at a Laundromat so this year we upgraded to a pop up camper.....and boy did we need it because it rained 6 out of the 7 days we were there!


On our first day we caught a break in the rain and headed off to the Flume for a hike. All I can say is that God's handy work is amazing!

The historic Man in the Mountain fell off and was destroyed in 2003, but I found my own man in the mountain and I think I am going to move to NH and try to make some money off it...LOL! I think it looks like George Washington.

On day two we headed out to Clark's Trading Post. Were we rode a train and saw Wolf Man.

Then we watched a circus show under the "big" tent and the famous bear show.

Day three we got a stretch of four or five hours with no rain so we headed to the wild, wild, west at Six Gun City. The kids rode rides and got to capture a bandit with the Sheriff.

The 4th of July was low key....the rain was very light so we headed out for some fishing at the Willey's House, took a hike to Ripley Falls and had a bike parade at the campground.

Day five was the only day with no rain, so headed out to Attitash. We did some rock climbing.......

Went on the waterslides......

Did some bungee trampoline.....

We also did the mile long Alpine slide, but I have to pictures of that because after all, who do you ask to take a picture while your family of 5 goes up a mountain on a ski lift and then races each other down at 20 miles an hour. FUN!
On day six, my camera died :( We did the auto road to Mount Washington....all I have to say is WOW! It was amazing to be at the top of New England.
Our last day we packed up in the pouring rain and headed back to CT. I have to say I want to go back. I think in the ten years we have been camping to ME, VA, NC, WV, RI, VT, PA, NY. This was my favorite place. The beauty was like none I have ever seen.
You got some great pictures and did a good job capturing the week. As a former camper, I will atest to the major difference between a tent and a camper, ESPECIALLY in the rain. A difference maker, for sure! The bike parade was a cute idea for a campground to do.
It IS beautiful up there.
We camp every year in the White Mtns. We haven't run out of things to do up there, so we just keep going back for more fun...in our pop-up.
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