This past Thursday I got together with my best friend who also happens to homeschool. We planned a small Halloween party with LOTS of fun and educational activities. We went over to her house at about 2pm and she started right on in with a fun lesson of the skeletal system. It just so happens she is a nurse and had lots of fun things for them to look at and do. They watched a video, she read them Dem Bones and then they got to put together a skeleton. It was VERY cool.

After that, we played some pumpkin math. I had pumpkins on the floor with the numbers 0-9 on them. I would give each child an equation and they would have to go get the right pumpkins and put them together for the answer.

The kids all moved to the table for their craft and writing project. While they were working on their pumpkins, a paper went around for all the kids to write a part of a spooky story. They girls really got into this one and the story was so descriptive it was amazing.

While Donna was cleaning off the table, I read the story they had written aloud to them. They all thought it was very cool. We went back to the table for a CSI autopsy. I had various items in paper bags. They were to feel the items and write down what part of the body they thought they were touching. It was really gross and realy fun for them to use their senses and logic to figure it out. I had a peeled tomato for the heart, a head of cooked cauliflower for the brain, baby carrots for fingers, popcorn kernals for teeth, spam for the liver, and two peeled grapes for the eyeballs. They got so excited about this activity and it was priceless to see the grossed out faces on them as the touched the items in the bags.

Donna had some games lined up for outside so we went outdoors to bob for apples and have a donut eating contest. It was the first time my kids had ever bobbed for apples and it was hysterical.
The finale was BINGO, snacks and icecream floats.

It was a GREAT day and LOTS of fun!
1 comment:
what great ideas. Looks like a great day. your kids have a great teacher!
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