Blake decided he wanted to be like his Daddy, 'Cletus' and put a heart and Walmart tattoo on his arms. I was not happy about the fact that he wrote all over himself with permanent marker but like the saying goes....Monkey see, monkey do. And I thought it was adorable that he wanted to be like his Daddy.
Saturday May 15th
The kids enjoyed a treat of bouncy houses, a scavenger hunt, tug of war, and much more. This was their reward for completing gold level requirements at youth group.
Sunday May 16th
After church we all worked in the garden, clearing it out and expanding it.
Monday May 17th
Parker decided he wanted to earn some money this week by doing extra chores. He did a pretty good job washing the floor.
Tuesday May 18th
Kaleigh made an apple pie for the last night of Bright Lights.
Wednesday May 19th
We actually stayed home ALL day. It was fabulous!
Thursday May 20th
My Clematis is blooming!
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