Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mothering and Memories

As a mother, I sometimes wonder if what I am trying to instill in my children is getting through to their hearts and heads. This week was a good week for this mother. On the way into Stop and Shop Blake took it upon himself to stop at the Salvation Army bucket and put a in the few dollars that he had in his pocket. I was so proud, I almost cried. They are understanding God's love through giving.

The next event that warmed my heart was a writing prompt that I gave the kids for school. They were to write about their favorite Christmas memory. I figured they would write about their favorite 'thing' they got for Christmas. Here is an excerpt from each of their writing.

Kaleigh wrote about the year she got her kitten and ended her story like this..."We open our presents, but the greatest gift of all is eternal life and Jesus Christ."

Blake wrote..."My favorite Christmas memory is Jesus being born. We read about that on Christmas morning."

Parker wrote... "Last Christmas I had lots of fun but it's all about Jesus' birth. That is my favorite part about Christmas. That and having family over and putting the ornaments on the tree. I like to play Christmas songs on my guitar and everyone sings along."

It is nice to know that they get the TRUE meaning of Christmas and that some of the memories they hold dear are not the 'stuff' they get, but the memories we make as a family.

1 comment:

jlsharp05 said...

So sweet! All that hard work is paying off, such great kids! Love them!:)