We spent the day in North Stonington at Kaleigh's 4-H horse show.

Sunday July 24th
This picture needs a little background information. Eric came home after doing sound for the evening service to find Parker and Blake in the shower. He proceeded to dump a cup of cold water on them while they were in there. He went about his buisness and began to change the roters on his car while the boys gathered squirt guns for payback. They atttacked him while he was working. I snapped the picture just as Eric got up to go after them. I love the look on Parker's face!

Monday July 25th
We went to the Klim's for a playdate.

Tuesday July 26th
Eric had planned a long overdue family trip to the beach. We got to the Groton/New London bridge when the axle on the boat trailer broke. He called a tow truck and sat on the side of the highway and waited for it, while the kids and I headed home. Then he and his dad spent all afternoon trying to get the trailer out from underneath the boat so it could be fixed. Guess that family day will have to wait.

Wednesday July 27th
Kaleigh finally got around to having her birthday sleepover.

Thursday July 28th
The girls playing a Country Dance Game on the Wii.
Friday July 29th
Was spent getting ready for another horse show and trying to avoid death while putting the boat back on the trailer. Too busy for pics :(