The kids came home from camp. We all went out with my grandmother to a spagetti supper to hear all about their week at camp. Sorry no pic :(
Sunday July 17th
Parker missed Missy I think.

A few minutes after taking the first shot, I called him into the kitchen for something. When I went in the living room, I found he had put the cat down and tucked her in. :)

Monday July 18th
We have seen Mama bird coming back and forth to this nest for a month. I was shocked to finally see babies...big ones at that!

Tuesday July 19th
Eric had about 45 minutes after coming home from working at the apartment before he had to head back out for band practice. He decided to grab a swim with the kids and they were pleased to have some time with Daddy.

Wednesday July 20th
Kaleigh has been working hard polishing up all her tack for her upcoming horseshow.

Thursday July 21st
Kaleigh snapped a picture of me working hard painting signs for our church tag sale in the 97 degree temps.

Friday July 22nd
One word...HOT! BTW this thermometer is in the shade!

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