Sunday, January 1st
My in-laws were finally back from their trip to WV, so we celebrated Christmas with them.
Kaleigh opened her gift from Uncle John and Aunt Lee Ann.
Blake showing off his cool light up drum sticks from his aunt and uncle in WV.
Parker got the entire Star Wars book series. Later in the week, I found him reading on the floor by his night light, well after I had put him to bed. How can you get mad at a kid for reading?????
Monday, January 2nd
Eric and I got deer number two put in the freezer. Now we won't starve :)
Tuesday, January 3rd
We played a game of Quirkle before bed and this is where we found the cat when we went to clean up.
Wednesday, January 4th
Kaleigh got her ears pierced when she was three years old. At the age of 4, while taking a sweatshirt off her head, her grandmother accidentally ripped her earring out. There was blood and tears and we could not get an earring in her ever again. Well here we are, 8 years later and she finally decided, with the help of her friend in NC, to try her holes out again. Yay Kaleigh!
Thursday January 5th
When the boys got these helicopters for Christmas, Eric and I took bets on how long they would last. We both lost. It lasted four days :(
I had my eyes on these pair of boots for several months, but never bought them because I couldn't justify spending $50 on a want, not a need. I left hints for Christmas, but didn't get them. I walked into Kohl's to spend my Kohl's cash before it expired and was thrilled to see the price had come down to $38. I also had to return something. Between my credit for my return and my Kohl's cash, the boots cost me $6.00!!!
Saturday January 7th
We were dog sitting this week while my mother was in Ohio. The kids wanted to make sure Ally was buckled and safe. LOL!

Kaleigh having her ears pierced when she was three and my personal experience with it is the reason my girls do not yet have their ears pierced. Do you remember that night the four of us adults wrestled her to get an earring in? Left me scarred. :)
Must have left you scarred...because Kaleigh and I do not remember it.
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