After lunch at Eric's parent house, we headed up to RI to see his grandparents. The dog enjoyed swimming in the lake and the boys enjoyed playing with a turtle they caught.
Monday June 18th
Kaleigh got re-hired for a pet sitting job. This time they had a new member of the family, coconut the kitty.
Working in the yard Daddy caught a garden snake.
Wednesday June 20th
Took the kids to a library event. They learned all about nocturnal animals and even got to touch a few.
Largest snake native to Connecticut: The Black Rat Snake
Spotted Salamander
Gray tree frog
Thursday June 21st
There were a few people who were recovering from surgeries in our congregation, so I made up some pot pies and delivered them.
Friday June 22nd
Happy 10th birthday to you Parker!!!! We celebrated with family and a few friends. I took Parker and his friends to see Brave at the movie theatre.
Saturday June 23rd
A crazy storm whipped through the town our rental unit is in leaving lots of destruction in its path. Here are a few pics of the damage it left and the mess we now need to take care of.
A tree from the neighbors yard cam down on our power lines and ripped the meter right off the house.