For a couple of days we had heard something scratching around in the chimney, but every time Eric opened the flu, it would stop and he couldn't see anything. Well, he decided to leave the flu open and see if whatever it was would come out on its own. We thought, a bat, a squirrel, a small bird, but not a DUCK!
Parker deleted my photo that I tool with his ipod , but here's what it looked like.
Monday May 28th
Fuse Festival at McCoy Stadium. We got to meet the Sidewalk Prophets.
Tuesday May 29th
We actually started marking things out where the fencing and barn will go for the horses and Eric and his dad have been working on it most Tuesdays and Fridays. I cannot believe that owning horses might actually become a reality.
Wednesday May 30th
Isn't she just the cutest two year old?
Thursday May 31st
Last day of youth group. We had a dunking booth to support missionaries to Honduras.

Friday June 1st
Got a few of my signs put out, but ran out of time. I still have about 6 that need to go out.
Saturday June 2nd
Eric and I went on a date. Dinner and then to watch Thane's third professional fight at the casino. He didn't win this time. :(
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