It was dark outside and hardly any traffic, so I set my cruise control for 75 and drove along, sipping my coffee and enjoying my quiet tunes, hoping that Parker would fall back asleep for the trip. I came up on a car in the left lane, so I passed him on the right only to see moments later, blue and red flashing lights. The cop tried to tell me I was going 85, which I immediately told him there was no way because I had my cruise control set. My husband then took over the situation, of which I was making worse with each word I uttered. Long story short, a written warning for passing on the right.
We arrived to CCMC ten minutes late, of which no body knew because it took me 20 just to wait in line to register Parker. We got through to drills and were placed in our room while we waited for Dr.Lee. It was here that Parker, got in his cool jammies and got to pick out the scent for his mask. He picked watermelon.

One of us were allowed to go into the OR with him. He chose Daddy, so Daddy got to wear a cool gown, hair piece and mask.

The most exciting part for him was getting to drive a power wheel into the OR.

After surgery, he was REALLY grumpy and nothing made him happy. He just wanted to go home. In order to make that happen he needed to be able to walk on his crutches and go up and down a few stairs. His friend Rosie from PT taught him how to do these things and we were on our way home by 11am.
He was extremely sore and this is what he did for most of the day. My two laid up boys!

That night when we finally got him into our bed, he looked at his father and said "Daddy something is wrong" Eric looked at his knee and before our very eyes a huge blood soaked stain began to form and grow.

I was a little freaked out because the nurses had told us that if he had a blood spot bigger than the size of a quarter we were to call immediately. So we did. The doctor asked Eric several questions and felt confident that it was normal. They had filled his femur with lots of fluid after removing the rods. (Oh yeah Dr. Lee let him keep the rods they took out of his femur. Pretty cool, huh?) He instructed us that if it did not stop bleeding to call him back. We prayed, it stopped and I was relieved that we did not have to drive back to Hartford at 9pm.
On Tuesday, we got a surprise visit from the Wolfe family. Parker was happy to get off the couch and play with his buddy Colby.

Today he was doing well with his crutches and even began to put a little weight on that leg.

We get to take the ace bandage off on Thursday and we gets to take his first shower. I'm sure he will like that because he does NOT like sponge baths. He is scheduled to go back to the Dr. on Good Friday.
Please pray for him and for me, as he will have 6-8 weeks of recovery and trying to keep a little boys from running and jumping in nice spring weather is going to prove difficult. Thank you!
1 comment:
You are going to have trouble with BOTH your boys!
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