We go swimming every other Friday at Camp Hemlock in Hebron with a group of homeschoolers. I failed to take a picture of our adventure, but here is one of my all-time favorite swimming pictures. It is Parker at 13 months in my mom's pool. It cracks me up everytime I see it.

Saturday, February 27th
The kids all made silver level at Olympians and were rewarded with a game of lazer tag....even I got to play!

Sunday, February 28th
Before bed the kids and Daddy had a game of Nerf basketball. Eric pretty much just stood there because of his bum ankle.

Monday, March 1st
Parker playing with a peice of my turkey bacon. He thought it looked like a dog's tongue.

Tuesday, March 2nd
Parker moved into a new guitar book and is extremely psyched about it. He spent about an hour practicing his new songs.

Wednesday, March 3rd
I had my friend's little guy, we worked on a Cars puzzle.

Thursday, March 4th
My mom's birthday...Kaleigh and Blake spent their own money and bought her a necklace and earring set and Parker decided to make her a cake.

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