This year Kaleigh competed in two back to back 4-H county fairs. The New London County Fair was held on July 24th. Many of her 4-H group competed in this competition. So we arrived at the farm around 6:30am to wash, and load up the horse and all the necessary items to be at the show by 8:15am.
The first class was showmanship. This was her first time ever competing in this and it showed. She placed fifth out of 11 in her class.

Her next class was Novice Walk-Trot Pleasure where she placed 1st and, Novice Walk-Trot Equitation where she placed 3rd. She also entered into the Open classes, where she is up against non 4-Hers of all skill level and both Western and English riders. She placed 2nd in both Pleasure and Equitation and 3rd in Command.

Trail class was the most difficult course I think I had ever seen. There were huge stuffed animals everywhere, lots of reeds for the horses to eat(which her horse did!), and many foreign things to a horse...like this noodle gate.

All in all, Kaleigh and Pride did well and got 1st place in trail. She also took home Reserved Champion in her division.
My proudest Mommy moment was when she won the Sportsmanship Award for being out there and having fun and cheering on her fellow 4-Her's no matter what anyone placed. She never got mad at her horse and kept a good attitude.
Oh and remember the post about Kaleigh's photos that she took? She ended up entering all five photos and got a blue ribbon and Best in Show!
Fast forward one week to July 31st and we land at the Windham County 4-H Fair.
Her first class of the day was showmanship and she nailed it! She practiced and practiced all week and the judge was so impressed he called her out to demonstrate to everyone the correct way to do it.
She ended up placing 1st in showmanship, 2nd in 4-H Equitation, Command and Trail. 3rd in Open Pleasure and 4th in Open Command.

After all the classes, came the fun stuff...the costume contest. Kaleigh and Pride went Hawaian and they placed 4th.

She ended up getting the Champion ribbon in her Walk-Trot division.

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