Every year we have a reunion for the Sharp side of the family. I must say that it is a weekend I enjoy to the fullest. My husband's extended family is the BEST! It is never a dull moment when the cousins get together. Our reunion has taken place at many different locations over the 12 years I have been a Sharp, but this latest location is one of my favorites. It is at Camp Westwood in RI. Nestled on a gorgeous lake with a huge facility that meets all our needs. We have a big place to gather for meals and if it is raining. Cabins for all, a bathhouse, boating, rope swing, fishing, soccer, basketball, tennis, volleyball. This year we even did some Zumba, as Stacey Tucker (Eric's cousin's wife) is an instructor. This year, Stacey and I were in charge of children's activities. We had a craft, and some relay games, and a tug of war rope, and of course candy! Everyone REALLY got into the tug of war. We eventually did some adults vs kids. The kids beat us 2 to 1. Each night the teens took the younger kids on a game called 'ManHunt'. I'm not real sure of the rules but I know my kids LOVED it! The older kids are soooo good with the younger kids. This year we had family come from as far as Texas to join us. Great to see you Shelly and Larson! We had Sharps from the states of Texas, West Virginia, CT, RI, Maine, NH and PA. Here are a few of my favorite pics from the weekend.

Me running Tug of War game

Me and Stacey (The Zumba diva)

Eric and Henrick (The life of the party)

Kaleigh and Parker with cousins Ashley, Kayla and Mikey

Luke being Luke

Family soccer game

Parker showing Dan his skills

Kaleigh and Kaylee

Around the campfire
Awesome job Connie!!! You and Stacey are being tagged to join Glory and me on the planning committee for next year's reunion. As the consensus is that we are much too big a group for any one home to host, Westwood is a God-send of a venue. Although we've entertained moving back to a home-based reunion, it would mean we'd be on the waiting list and not guaranteed a spot at Westwood. At Westwood, the responsibilities are shifted to the whole rather than to one family, so it seems the practical location for reunions to come. Fortunately, it is still close by to many Sharp area homes for those who choose not to rough it. This was a great Reunion work in progress. Beautiful!!
BTW, I don't have a google acct so I said anonymous....I should have signed my note....Tammy.
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