Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hike, Ride or Bike For Honduras

This year, Loree Osowski joined me in planning the fundraiser for our two missionary families in Honduras.  There is a great deal of work to be done at the camp, and unfortunately that work requires money.  Loree had a great idea of moving the hike to Pachaug State Forest and opening it up to horseback riders too.  So we began the process of finding a date, which was harder than it sounds due to the full calendar of the church and all the other horsey events going on in the state.  We finally settled  on May 5th following the services.

 I made flyers and sign up sheets and ran sign ups at the church for three weeks, while Loree called her horsey contacts to try to get them involved.  I got hurt about a week before the event so Loree, Todd, Kaleigh,  and Susan spent ALL day Saturday marking trails, while I made signs at home and got the last minute totals and things ready.  Jeanette Fox and Todd handled all the food detail and prep.  What food donations we did not get, Jeanette and Jay Laplume took care of and purchased themselves.

The morning of the event, we headed out around 8:30 am to get things set up.  By 10am our first horsey people were pulling in.  We had 100 people sign up for the event, but only 75 showed up.  All in all it was a great day with great food, great fellowship, 14 horses, and just under $1700.00 was raised for Honduras.  I can safely say that this event would not have happened without the crew who worked so hard to get things done.  Thank you Todd, Loree, Jay, Jeanette, Kaleigh and Susan for all your hard work!!!!

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