This week my friend Karen came to CT from PA with 4 of her 6 kids. On
Tuesday, we went to Mystic Aquarium. They enjoyed looking at all the animals and watching the sea lion show. The stingray touch pool was a big hit too. I coaxed Karen into petting a sting ray. I laughed so hard when she jumped and said "Ewwww, they are slimy!" It was priceless. Here were our 6 children ages 4-11 diving in with no fear and she's being a big
chicken! LOL!
On Wednesday we headed to Rocky Neck Beach. We were joined by another friend of mine, Nicole, and her two kids. The kids spent about 2 hours crabbing. It was so funny to hear them catch what seemed to be their 30th crab, but act as if it were the 1st one they caught. After about two hours we brought our 3 buckets full back to the beach for a little crab racing.
On Thursday, we had a rainy day....what do you do with 7 kids on a rainy day??? Well, we played hide and seek for a hour or so. Then we baked chocolate chip cookies. While the cookies cooled, we made cards. Ashley, Karen's almost 19 year old, showed me how to make these really cool cards. You put shaving cream in a plate, drop food coloring on top and mix it with a toothpick. Then you fold your cardstock in half two times. You place the card on top of the shaving cream, pick it up and wipe the shaving cream off. You are left with these beautiful designs.
And this is what your table and kids look like

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