Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer School

Summer School has begun here at the Franklin Hill School. I know, I know kids are supposed to have the summer off, right? Well we have tried that here and it doesn't work. I have found it is better to keep some what of a schedule, keep in mind a more relaxed one, but still a schedule so this is what my children wake to find.

On this chart they have 4 daily tasks they must complete. 1) Do their quiet time. 2) Practice their instrument. 3) Read for 20 minutes. 4) Put away any laundry I have folded and put outside their door. Then they go to the day of the week we are on. This past Thursday they had to play store for school. We got a bunch of items out and put them on a bureau. Then we made price tags for all of them. We got out our little cash register and filled it with real change and monopoly money for 1 and 5 dollar bills. Then each of the kids took turns being the cashier. They boys were able to work on counting exact change and also figuring out what to do if they did not have exact change. It was great for Kaleigh to work on the skill of giving change which was hard for her at first but by the end of like an hour she was getting it. It was an enjoyable activity and they didn't even know they were doing school! HAHA!

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