Kaleigh and the rest of the Jr. Choir sang during our two services on Sunday morning.

Monday October 25th
Our friends from North Carolina were up for a funeral and I took the kids to a corn maze. The theme was American Legends. We learned and had fun!

Tuesday October 26th
My N.C. friends have connections and we were able to go and swim at a nearby pool for a few hours in the morning. Here Kaleigh and I are enjoying the hot tub.

Wednesday October 27th
This little guy was slithering across the driveway and Parker grabbed him.

Thursday October 28th
We had a guest for dinner...Mr. Bat. My buddy Steve thought we should leave him because he made an excellent Halloween decoration. No thanks! My husband proceeded to take him off the curtain in the dining room and chase the kids around with it. Nice!

Friday October 29th
Daddy finished carving the pumpkins...and The Grim Creeper, a guitar and a dog.

Saturday October 30th
We stopped by my grandmother's house to show her the kid's costumes (The Devil, A Bumble Bee and The Armor of God) before heading out the church's Halloween party.

(Honorable Mention to Blake who won 2nd prize in the costume contest for his Armor of God costume)