We were honored to attend the wedding of this beautiful young couple, Josh and Sarah. The kids danced their little hearts out.

Monday October 11th
We spent the morning at Buell's Orchard.

Tuesday October 12th
This marble run seems to be the center of attention this week. Funny, because they haven't touched it in almost a year.

Wednesday October 13th
The boys have been working of a fort in the woods with Daddy's hand saw.

Thursday October 14th
Kaleigh is already working on her photos for next year's 4-H contest...I think she has potential with the right training and camera :)

Friday October 15th
We offically started Kaleigh's room makeover that she asked for as her birthday present in July. Move over butterflies...here come some horses!

Saturday October 16th
It was time to give the ferret a bath and a good cage cleaning.

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