Kaleigh is sad to be taking down the tree.

Monday December 27th
The whole family went sledding.

Tuesday December 28th
Playdate time. Kaleigh and her friend were playing Dance Praise.

Wednesday December 29th
When cupcake meets 18 month old..too cute!

Thursday December 30th
The kids played hedbanz.

What my mudroom looked like after 6 kids came in from playing in the snow. I can't wait till my mudroom is finished!

Friday December 31st
New Years Eve we went over to the Boydens to eat some great food and play some games. It was a very interesting night, in that, the most popular game the adults ended up getting into was the kids game Hedbandz. And at one point in the night all the children were out sledding while all the adults were inside watching Toy Story 3. We had a great night with a ton of laughs as usual!

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