Saturday January 22
This was a Saturday to remember. Eric had taken the day off due to our anniversary and he was able to see Parker play in a game. He helped John coach and Parker made his first shot during a game! They were both so very excited.
We ended up winning the game
And went out to Friendly's for lunch to celebrate the fact that Daddy finally had a Saturday off AND that Parker made his first career shot ;)
After lunch, Eric and I headed out to celebrate 12 years of marriage. We went out to the Summer Shack, in the casino, for dinner and then took in a comedy show at the Cabaret theatre. Thank you to Tessa and Forrest for staying with the kids!
Sunday January 23rd
We had special musical guests Living Proof, so Eric was at the church from 7:30 am - 7:30 pm, with the exception of four hours in between. He came home and had lunch with us for about an hour and then was off to the apartment to fix some leaky plumbing. He was back at the church for 4pm. Living proof was amazing and Kaleigh and Parker just HAD to get their autographs.
Wednesday January 26th
We got about 6 more inches of snow, so we decided to go out and try to build an igloo. We packed the snow in our recyclable buckets and starting stacking the blocks.
After about two and a half hours it started getting dark, I had lost 2 of my helpers, and was VERY tired, so we called it quits.
Thursday January 27th
We woke up to see that the overnight storm had dropped another 16 inches! We thought we could finish up our igloo but the snow kept sticking inside the buckets, so we ended up digging out a cave in one of our huge mounds of snow instead.
My two little diggers were happy as clams inside their secret hideout.
Friday January 28th
This was Macaveli's 5th visit to the vet for a nasty eye infection that we have been battling for the past 5 weeks. It was so bad he couldn't even open his eyes. He went through 2 tubes of antibiotics and is now on his third tube of antibiotic/steroids. He can see now....but all I see is $$$$$$$$ LOL!
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