If you don't remember two years ago my son, Parker, hit a tree while sledding on a beautiful Sunday afternoon in January. It was a long process with healing, physical therapy to walk again then the removal of the rods about a year ago.

You would never know by watching him that he ever went through that ordeal. The only lasting impression was his fear of sledding. As a matter of fact, we were out shopping on Christmas Eve when I paused to look at a display of sleds. Parker looked at me and said, "Don't even think about it" LOL! I laughed and we talked about how God was with him on that day and that the odds of hitting a tree twice in your lifetime was pretty slim. I was a bit taken back when two days after Christmas he asked us if we could go sledding. I asked him where he wanted to go and he relpied, "Somewhere without trees!" Smart choice! :) So we headed over to Norwich Golf Course and had a blast!

Here is a video of Parker going down!
I thought we were over our bad luck where sledding is concerned....until New Years Eve! The kids go sledding every year at our friend's place. That is where Blake decided to sled into a wooden bench at their house and slice his head open.

God provided once again with our own nurse on site. They cleaned him up best as they could to try to see if it would need stitches. He didn't think so, so we did the old baggie of ice and paper towels to try to stop the bleeding and take down the swelling.

The joke for that night was about sledding being an EXTREME sport for the Sharps. I say, with three boys in the house...almost every thing is EXTREME!
I am lucky I haven't hurt myself sledding yet....Praise the lord!
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