What a long day! We got to the park at 9am and started in the fun.

The first rides we hit were the Test Track and Mission Space. I did not go on Mission Space. I heard if you get motion sickness at all, NOT to go on this ride. I'm glad I took that advice because Eric wasn't feeling too well after the ride.

After Test Track, Parker wanted to get into this car and take a picture.

We took in a show...which was very funny.

While we waited for the show to start, the kids took a few pop quizzes.

Our last ride in Tommorrowland was the one where you actually go up into the big golf ball at Epcot. Here is a picture of the screen from the car that Blake and I were riding in.

After we had seen all there was to see in Tommorrowland, we headed off to tour the world. We stopped in Mexico...


And Italy, just to name a few. In Italy we stopped in the street to watch these women perform. They were very funny with how they got the audience involved. They got Eric in on the action and dressed him up as Cesar.

They got Kaleigh and Blake in on the action, too!

We stopped in Japan and saw a movie in a 360 degree theatre,

Amazing what they could do with bushes in France.....

One of the highlights of our day at Epcot was that we got to have a private meet and greet with a few Disney Characters. I just LOVE these pictures....
At about 4:30, we had all had enough, so we headed back to the condo and swam and had Pizza Hut deliver. We hung around and relaxed till about 7:30 and then headed back to the park for a couple more rides and the famous Light Show. The kids all thought that Epcot's fireworks were better than the ones at Magic Kingdom. By the time we got home and got to bed it was 10:30pm.

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