Parker had been asked at the end of basketball season, to play in the All-Stars. We were going to be away for most of the practices and games, so I was surprised when coach called and asked if he could play when we got back from vacation. One of the mom's went out and got special shirts with their name and number on the back. Parker thought THAT was cool in itself.

Sunday February 13th
A young women I have the privilege of knowing is heading off to Hungary to become a missionary intern. She will be teaching English as a Second language through the Bible and working with orphans. It was a pleasure to be at her going away party and we will be praying for her daily. Keep on following God Katie, and he will bless you beyond your imagination!

Monday March 14th
The kids took a break from school to go downstairs and get a snack..they were so sweet, and brought me this!

Tuesday March 15th
The boys are very excited about baseball tryouts coming up and have been outside every spare moment, practicing.

Wednesday March 16th
The dog got sprayed by a skunk. Here Eric is trying to get some of the oil off while not throwing up.

Thursday March 17th
My closet in the mudroom is coming along little by little.

Friday March 18th
More baseball

Macaveli needs another Bath....He still smells like skunk!!
Aww....Katie is leaving?!?....I will miss her!! :( :(
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