Spent two hours at baseball tryouts

and then went to a 30th birthday party...oh to be 30 again!

Sunday March 20th
Went to the bridal shower of one of my good friends.

Monday March 21st
Not what I had in mind for the first full day of SPRING!

Tuesday March 22nd
I got into the shower and came upon this terrible tragedy...looks like the good guys won because Skywalker and Mace Windu still have their heads attached.

Wednesday March 23rd
I walked by the boys room to hear Blake talking to the ferret about something that was outside. It was a precious moment and I was glad my camera was only inches away so that I was able to sneak up on him and take this.

Thursday March 24th
This is what my kids love to do when Ryan comes over. They pile all the couch cushions on the living room floor and jump on them.

Friday March 25th
Was at church till almost 11pm with my hubby as he brought in a professional to help him with the sound system at church. I thought this was cute as everyone was standing around this guy in 'awe' of his abilities as a sound engineer.

I must give a shout out to my hubby because no one really knows the amount of hours he has spent learning and programming this board, except me when I'm still up at midnight waiting for him to get home from the church! Thank you honey for your time and dedication to the Lord.
Looks funny to see baseball on the bball court. :)
Great mid-air action shots!
Geno rocks!
Ohh RELAX mom!,ur not old at all!!
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