We have been fortunate enough to have temperatures in the mid 60's this late in the year. So, the kids and I took full advantage of it and took the dog for a walk at the Windham Airport. I got a kick out of the sight I saw when I looked into my side mirror. The kids got a kick out of the dog slobber that kept flying in the back seat and nailing Blake. LOL!
Sunday November 27th
Had my grandmother over dinner and to decorate the Christmas tree. After dinner, we had a mean game of Monopoly going on.
Monday November 28th
Parker is in charge of laundry in our home. I frequently have to remind him to switch over the load from the washer to the dryer. When I didn't hear him for a while I went to see what the hold up was. This is what I found.....Thankfully he had taken the clothes out BEFORE he climbed in.
Tuesday November 29th
Parker was the only one done with his schoolwork. It was nice outside and he asked in the sweetest voice, "Mom will you come play nerf war outside with me?" How could I say no? Wanna know the truth, it was actually alot of fun finding hiding places and trying to sneak up and shoot one another. First one to get five shots on the other player wins. I won by one. We are not the type of parents that let our kids win all the time. In our house, you have to earn your win fair and square.
Wednesday November 30th
These two are so adorable to watch. Chesney just adores Kaleigh and follows her everywhere. Kaleigh is sooooo good with her. I think she sees Chesney as the sister she always wanted. Here she is reading a story to her in the schoolroom.
Thursday December 1st
Parker and Eric spent some time this past week clearing a path around the edge of the property for Parker to ride his quad. They finished a pretty good sized section and the boys spent some time riding it together.
Friday December 2nd
It's the boots! This year Eric had gone out hunting almost a dozen times and hadn't even seen a deer. Each time his feet would freeze in his old beat up boots. He hemmed and hawed about getting new boots, because they were quite expensive, but in the end we both agreed it was worth it because the meat he gets from hunting cuts down on our grocery bill a tremendous amount. So he bought the boots and the first time out with them he got a deer. We both joked that it was probably the smell from his other boots that were keeping the deer away.

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